Maybe he should have thought this one through.
Wisconsin governor and likely Republican presidential contender Scott Walker co-opted “Star Wars Day” via his official Twitter account, and the corny pandering did not go over well with most observers.
First, the offending tweet:
Hope for Republicans there still is. #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #StarWarsDay @StarWars -TW
– Scott Walker (@ScottWalker) May 4, 2015
Responses ranged from the virtual throwing of tomatoes (“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” stated one user succinctly) to taking aim at Wilson's clear lack of “Star Wars” knowledge (“You don't even realize that's a quote from two different characters,you giant jackass,” wrote another) to the incongruity of his policies with those of the rebellion (“Yes, Luke Skywalker worked tirelessly to eliminate collective bargaining rights,” sniped @branniganlynch). Here's a sampling of the Twitter outrage:
@dklaming @ScottWalker @starwars this guy needs to be memed into every ill-fitting inspirational quote in films
– nut industry fan (@trevorjcavanagh) May 4, 2015
@trevorjcavanagh @ScottWalker @starwars last hope for what exactly? enacting every legislative desire of the super-wealthy?
– h14kw (@dklaming) May 4, 2015
.@ScottWalker The another is Leia. Are you saying you're Leia?
– Patrick Dominguez (@anchorsteamer) May 4, 2015
@HashtagGriswold @ScottWalker @starwars Walker's crew thinks we're too stupid to differentiate between a dumb Koch puppet & a movie hero
– Bill Lenner (@Bill_Lenner) May 4, 2015
@ScottWalker @starwars Stop trying to appropriate star wars to look cool. Besides, we all know you're part of the empire.
– Will (@ProjectMelton) May 4, 2015
may you delete your account and leave politics forever you union busting bigot pile of detritus be with you @ScottWalker @starwars
– the riker liker (@andymoney69) May 4, 2015
Republicans co-opting movies where militant fearmongers are the bad guys. Ironic. @ScottWalker @robdelaney @starwars
– Fleekless In Seattle (@bradcandoit) May 4, 2015
.@ScottWalker @starwars A Jedi knows the difference between lawful protest and terrorism. You work at the Death Star, Governor Walker.
– David Avallone (@DAvallone) May 4, 2015
@HashtagGriswold priceless isn't it? Plus he doesn't have put in two sets of quotation marks. He thinks it's one long quote.
– Dee Emm Elms (@d_m_elms) May 4, 2015
Hey, at least he had one supporter:
@ScottWalker @starwars Someone is winning Star Wars Day! #MayThe4thBeWithYou
– Katie Johnson (@kjon) May 4, 2015
A delusional supporter, but a supporter nonetheless!
(via Twitchy)