“Saturday Night Live” will debut three all-new episodes back-to-back for next month’s November sweeps period, with host Charlie Day (“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”, “Horrible Bosses”) and musical guest Maroon 5 appearing on Nov. 5th, Emma Stone and Coldplay on Nov. 12th, and Jason Segel and Florence + the Machine rounding out the month on Nov. 19th.
This will be Day and Segel’s first hosting gigs on the series and Stone’s second. As for the musical performers, Coldplay is marking their fourth appearance, Maroon 5 their third and Florence + the Machine their second. Maroon 5 will be joined by Gym Class Heroes lead vocalist Travie McCoy for a performance of their latest single “Moves Like Jagger”.
Coldplay’s latest album “Mylo Xyloto” drops on October 24th, while Florence + the Machine’s sophomore LP “Ceremonials” hits stores on Halloween. As for the actors, breakthrough summer star Stone will next be seen in Marc Webb’s “Amazing Spider-Man” on July 3, 2012, Segel has “The Muppets” coming out on November 23rd, and Day can currently be seen on the FX comedy “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” (on which he also serves as writer and executive-producer). He also has a starring role in Guillermo del Toro’s giant monster movie “Pacific Rim”, which hits theaters next May.