Summer movie season is almost upon us and one of the big questions is how pop superstar Rihanna will do in her big screen acting debut. Rihanna will play a U.S. Navy petty officer
A new international poster debuted Friday for Peter Berg’s upcoming action flick “Battleship” and it features a tattooed Rihanna and her very big gun getting ready for an alien attack on the world’s oceans. The International art is for Italy and – surprise – the European nation is getting the action flick a whole month before the U.S. “Battleship” will open April 11 in the UK, Belgium, France and Sweden. It hits Hong Kong and Germany on April 12. Italy and Spain gets the flick on April 13. Even Australia and New Zealand gets to see it early on April 18. In all, it appears at least 27 countries will get to see Rihanna, Taylor Kitsch and Liam Neeson in “Battleship” before it debuts in the U.S. on May 18. And if you’re thinking “Well, at least we get ‘The Avengers’ first.” Nope, most of the world gets to see Joss Whedon’s Marvel adaptation weeks before the good ol’ U.S.of A.
Who’s up for a trip to Australia to see both movies a whole two weeks before we get to see them stateside?
Check out Rihanna in the International “Battleship” poster below. To see other individual character posters at AceShowbiz click here.