TNA Is Hoping To Tour Again And May Launch A Streaming Service

Now that Anthem Sports — the parent company of Fight Network, which you probably know by now — has assumed control of Impact Wrestling, it looks like they plan to hang onto the company for a while. That means the sale of TNA is off (since it has in effect changed hands due to the whole Billy Corgan legal imbroglio), and so is the rumored possibility of WWE purchasing its tape library … at least for the time being.

On Tuesday, Dixie Carter held a conference call with the TNA roster and company employees that was meant as a sort of pep talk and state of the union, as it were. According to PWInsider, Carter formally introduced Athem’s Eric Nordholm, who will be in charge of daily operations going forward. She also confirmed that Corgan is no longer with the company, and said that in the wake of head writer Dave Lagana leaving TNA, creative will be a “collaborative” effort with their remaining writers and producers, although they plan on hiring more writers in the near future.

Carter talked about Anthem bringing with them an influx of funds and resources, and hope to take the company to the “next level.” Among their plans is the goal of bringing back live events outside of the Impact Zone (which they have not had the cash to do in some time), and that they may we looking toward launching a streaming, over-the-top platform similar to WWE Network.

Obviously, it remains to be seen whether any of this will actually come to pass, but for the time being, Anthem seems pretty dedicated to the idea of moving ahead with TNA as a viable company.