TNA Promises Tag Team Apocalypto Will Be ‘Different Than Anything You’ve Ever Seen’

It’s no secret that we here at With Spandex are just as enamored of Matt Hardy‘s Broken Universe as much as most of you likely are. It’s been the best thing TNA has done in years, if not ever. And the Hardys aren’t showing any signs of slowing down. The Hardy braintrust, which includes producer Jeremy Borash, is just a scant week away from dropping its two-hour Total Nonstop Deletion on us, and we absolutely can’t wait, especially after this latest round of bombastic hype.

Sports Illustrated talked to Borash about the upcoming Total Nonstop Deletion special, and he tossed around every hyperbolic term you can think of shy of saying it will change the very landscape of television as we know it. Particularly, Borash believes that the Tag Team Apocalypto match will be unlike anything, ever. You once described Total Nonstop Deletion as the “Crockett Cup on crack.” What is at stake? Who is involved? Did talent under contracts to other promotions request permission to appear? And are there rules and regulations to this unconventional affair?

Borash: The brilliance of this match is its simplicity. Tag Team Apocalypto is an Open Invitation Falls Count Anywhere Match. Open to any tag team through space and time that want to show up. The Hardys are the TNA World Tag Team Champions. Matt received a message from the Seven Deities saying that, if they didn’t prove that they were the greatest tag team of all time, the Hardy Compound, which is the Sacred Land of Deletion, would be destroyed in a series of apocalyptic natural disasters.

Tag Team Apocalypto will be the most amazing match ever presented on television. Bold statement. Different than anything you’ve ever seen. Wrestling as we know it needs to evolve with the rest of entertainment, and this will be looked back at someday as a game changer. Early screeners have left people stunned. Books may be written on this match. With the secluded nature of our shooting, there will be a number of talents showing up you would never expect. Going to reserve comment regarding any specific contractual agreements at this time.

Given what Broken Matt and the rest of the Hardy brood have given us so far, we’re not going to be surprised by them continuing to surprise us every step of the way. I’m having a PREMONEESHUN: Total Nonstop Deletion will be as delightful as an entire warehouse of extraordinary xylophones.