Conor McGregor Has Claimed Ownership Of Vince McMahon’s Trademark Strut

I dunno if you’ve heard about this guy Conor McGregor. He’s sort of a big wheel down at the cracker factory. Wait, not the cracker factory. The punch factory. That’s the one. Following the cratering of Ronda Rousey, McGregor is unquestionably the biggest star that UFC has, and despite Conor’s sticky history with WWE and their fans, the largest pro wrestling company in the world has been actively trying to get him on board lately.

WWE, of course, is owned by Vince McMahon, who became a household name in the Attitude Era and is extremely well-known for his exaggerated strut. What strut? This strut. Drink it in, maaaaaannnnn.

Conor has been adopting the strut over the past couple of years, both in and out of the Octagon, and as seen in the video at the top of this post, he is well aware of where the strut came from. Now, however, he’s trying to claim complete ownership of it. During a Q&A in England this past weekend, Conor took credit for popularizing the strut among athletes. Because he’s humble like that. Via FOX Sports:

“I’m thinking Vince McMahon must be pissed,” McGregor said. “I don’t give a (expletive) about Vince McMahon. I stole that walk and that walk is now mine. Not Vince or any of those (expletive) over in the WWE will do anything about it. That’s my walk. I created that walk. I made that walk.”

Oh, I see. He stole it AND he created it. That makes sense. Well … it makes about as much sense as any of the other boasts Conor spouts off at any given hour of the day. Maybe he’ll get that big payday for a WrestleMania appearance and him and Vince can have dueling struts down an exceedingly long ramp.

Okay, I’m actually all in for that. Make it happen, Vince! Show this whippersnapper how it’s done!