Wrestling Fans Had A Lot Of Fun With Lady Gaga’s Rooftop Super Bowl Dive

If you were awake at any point on Sunday, you’re probably aware that Super Bowl LI (Zack Ryder’s favorite Super Bowl ever) happened. And if you were near a television or computer, you’re probably aware that Lady Gaga was one of the biggest highlights of a completely insane game, as she delivered a lights-out halftime performance that included keytars, human microphone stands and death-defying leaps.

Yes, Lady Gaga began her performance by standing on the roof of NRG stadium, singing “God Bless America” and “This Land Is Your Land” before leaping into the stadium and descending on wires. The immediate reaction to Gaga’s rooftop descent was to flood Twitter with Sting and Shawn Michaels GIFs, because it’s obvious!

But as the crucial minutes wore on, it became clear that the most hilarious and wonderful part of the whole affair was Gaga’s leap, which cut from a rooftop camera to inside the arena, perfectly allowing for sublime video edits. The video that started it all:


Others soon followed, and they’re all absolutely perfect.



Don’t worry, though: wrestling fans were putting pretty much everything else that happened in the game in WWE terms, too. Because wrestling is always the perfect analogy for everything.


This is all proof that wrestling is a universal signifier of things being awesome. We’ve chosen our interests very, very wisely. Anyone else who isn’t in on the joke is just missing out.