The Impact Wrestling Tapings May Have Featured A Major Title Change

Impact Wrestling began their marathon March tapings on Thursday night, and it should do without saying that if you read any further, HERE THERE BE SPOILERS. So if you don’t want to get Impact Wrestling developments SPOILED for you, you should stop now!

Ahead of the tapings, the executive VP of Anthem (Impact’s new parent company) tweeted out a pre-spoiler spoiler, letting the world know that Alberto Del Rio was in the building. While at that point it was possible that Del Rio might just be visiting, it very quickly became apparent that he is now under contract to Impact.

Speaking of “Impact” … Bruce Prichard came out a few matches into the first episode being taped (that will air next week) and made it clear that the initials “TNA” are now a thing of the past. It is now Impact Wrestling only, forever. (I can’t hold With Spandex to that same promise. Sorry, TNA.) Prichard’s promo was said to be decidedly heelish, and he introduced the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Bobby Lashley. He began singing Lashley’s praises when they were interrupted by … the debuting Alberto El Patron.

Patron said he wanted a title match against Lashley, and that brought out EC3 to protest, saying Alberto hasn’t earned his title shot. Naturally, the segment ended with Alberto being granted a title shot against Lashley in the main event.

In said main event title match (which EC3 watched from the stage), there were two referee bumps and what is being reported as a false finish or “Dusty finish” depending on which tweet or report you’re reading. Prichard and Earl Hebner came to ringside as confusion reigned, but Alberto left with the world championship belt.

Prichard said that they would “investigate” the finish of the match, so this will likely be clarified within the next few tapings. Regardless, this major Impact Wrestling spoiler amounts to “we don’t know what happened.” Welcome to the all-new, all-different Impact Wrestling, everyone!