It’s been a little over a month since The Daily Show last looked into who was the real President of the United States, so Trevor Noah and the team decided to check in on the standings. While Steve Bannon has since dropped from his top spot following his acid wash hot tub story, the new head of The White House is actually more of a collective. While Donald Trump is still low on the list, he’s moving and deciding things based on the reporting of Fox News. While some like Shephard Smith are out to still report some facts, other Fox personalities have struck a chord with the “president” thanks to their kooky conspiracy theorizing.
For Noah, the past month has proven that Fox is controlling Trump’s thoughts and feelings — with a little help from Breitbart News — and Trump isn’t doing a good job of hiding it. He’s always praising Fox And Friends, looking for Fox out in the crowd at his press conferences, and allegedly writing sultry letters to Fox in the dead of the night. That last part is doubtful, but I’ve learned to never back down and never apologize in these days following Election 2016. Who know how long it will last, but for now, it seems that Fox News is in charge.
Later, Trevor Noah noted how Omarosa was scheduled to appear on the show and backed out at the last minute. Her excuse involved the administration “not wanting her interview to eclipse the news of the day.” He then proceeds to go over all of the news from the day and how bad it looked to everybody but Donald Trump. The guy can find a silver lining in anything before dying it gold and tweeting it out.
(ViaComedy Central)