You’re Welcome: Kirk Cameron Is Hosting Something Called The ‘National Bible Bee Game Show’

Do you ever get the feeling that American game shows are just too bawdy nowadays? First of all, you’ve got Family Feud smutting it up left and right and even Wheel of Fortune is no longer safe with dudes like this trying to nudey up the answers. Well finally, a game show has come along that appeals to wholesome family Christian values.

Hosted by Kirk Cameron (I’m sorry, Kirk “Saddest Subway Birthday Party Ever” Cameron), the National Bible Bee Game Show pits 72 young people ranging from seven to 18 years of age against each other to compete for $270,000 in prize money by answering trivia questions and reciting memorized Bible verses. (Or as Patheos points out, “It’s like the Spelling Bee, but with fewer brown people.”)

From each age division the top 3 percent of contestants compete in the bracket-style Scripture-knowledge tourney. In preparation, young people commit to memory up to 840 verses from the Bible in just 90 days prior to the competition.

“There is something special that happens when young people commit the Bible to memory,” says Steve Green, Chairman of Museum of the Bible, which opens in November in Washington, D.C.. “These kids are having fun and we are excited to be a part of its ground-breaking premiere on Facebook Live.”

Yes, in case you missed that last part, the series — which premieres tonight, April 4th — is airing not on television or a streaming service, but live on the Christian Cinema Facebook page.

Suffice to say, this led to some confusion among fans.

“You can only watch it from the internet [sic]?” seems like exactly the attitude of someone psyched for a Kirk Cameron-hosted kids Bible game show. Hopefully enough of them figure it out, because the season runs a whopping 30 episodes long.

(Via Patheos)