An Angry Fan Thinks There’s An Error On The ‘Rogue One’ Blu-Ray Cover (But They’re Wrong)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is officially for sale on Blu-Ray and DVD combo today. While this will make most fans of the franchise happy, there’s alway the one pedantic jerk who has to ruin everything with being a stickler for the rules. Case in point? This one-star review on Amazon which is based solely on an error in the Rogue One packaging

But upon closer inspection, it appears the Amazon reviewer may have jumped to conclusions. The red beams are clearly coming from offscreen X-Wings firing at the TIE fighters, as the lasers are neither the right color nor formation to have originated with the TIEs themselves. Some variations of the TIE — such as the Interceptors — have blaster cannons on their wings but the basic units only have two laser cannons mounted beneath the cockpit. This can be seen in Star Wars: A New Hope when the TIE fighters attack the Millennium Falcon.

The red lasers near the TIE fighter on the left-hand side of the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Blu-Ray are too far apart to have come from the Imperial ship and the one of the right is about to be obliterated by a single blast, instead of a double. Since neither are short, dual green laser bursts, the logical explanation is they came from somewhere else. The TIE fighters aren’t incorrectly firing red beams, they’re about to be obliterated by the Rebellion. All is right with the fandom.