Booker T Will Make WWE Raw A Lot More Shucky Ducky For A While

As part of the Superstar Shake-Up, Smackdown and Raw swapped third men from their announce teams, as Byron Saxton went to Smackdown Live and David Otunga got sent to Raw. Only … Otunga won’t be on Raw for the next six weeks, because he’ll be filming a lead role in Katrina, an important new action movie franchise.

So no worries, we’ll just get a two-man booth of Michael Cole and Corey Graves during the interim, right? Haha, no. The three-man booth is like the mummy’s curse: there’s no escaping, no matter how fast you run. But hey, maybe the three-man booth won’t be all that bad. In fact, it might be ICE ICE. COLD COLD.

Yes, that’s right, the one and only Booker T — Hall of Famer and Daniel Bryan enthusiast — will be jumping behind the announce desk for six glorious weeks. Granted, I have trouble keeping track of the court of public opinion regarding King Bookah, but I believe him to be pretty well-liked when serving as the third man on commentary.

At any rate, welcome back to the announce team, Booker! I for one will enjoy your stylings until Otunga ousts you. Unless … we get a four-man booth on Raw at that point? Sorry for putting that thought in your head, everyone!