John Cena Doesn’t Think He ‘Buries’ Young Talent At All, Thank You Very Much

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It took like, what, 15 years? But pretty much all of us have come around on John Cena at this point. For the better part of a decade, there was rampant mumbling and/or grumbling about Cena being “forced” on fans and “holding down” or “burying” young stars. Sometimes, these criticisms were warranted (*cough cough Nexus* ahem excuse me), but now we more or less agree that Cena was and is a generational talent who earned his spot and deserves (for lack of a better word) his success. Besides, we’ve all moved on to complaining about Roman Reigns, anyway. That’s the new hotness.

Anyway, Cena is well aware of the line on him that he’s supposedly been responsible for murking up and comers, but he doesn’t agree with the criticism at all. Cena recently spoke to The Wrap and bristled when asked about whether he’d “buried” talent in the past, responding to the recent example of his verbal sparring with The Miz leading up to WrestleMania 33.

In Cena’s estimation, it’s not that he held his opponents down; it’s that they didn’t step up. (No word on whether they Stepped Up 2 The Streets.)

Every single opponent that I have, if they don’t realize that I give them free range to throw their best punch — and just know that I’m going to punch back — I openly let that be known. I just think it’s something that goes vastly overlooked.

I just believe you bring your best to every story and you bring your best to every fight. And if my skills aren’t as good, then it’s time to step back. It’s just a matter of believing in myself and going out there and speaking from the heart. I believe that sometimes that’s something missing in some of the WWE storyline … being honest and brave enough to put everything out there on the table …

I’ve always done that, and I think the same could be said about multiple storylines with multiple Superstars … and it’s always with me.

This is why I have the reputation of quote-unquote “burying younger talent,” because I will let them do whatever they want with me — and then after they get done, they’re not as motivated. So, it’s not that I sink their ship, it’s that they fail to operate at an elite level. And I’m on to the next person, [to] whom I say, “Hey man, bring your best punch and I’m gonna punch back” — and they don’t take that attitude beyond me.

Now, he goes on to say that “no one” wanted to see another feud with him and Miz, and I have to take issue with that portion of his response, if nothing else. A whooooole lot of us wanted to see that feud. Because 2016-2017 Miz is the super hot fire we crave.

Cena’s line for a very long time now has been that he is openly waiting and hoping for someone to come take his spot, and that it just hadn’t happened yet. So this is very much in line with the things he’s always said he believed. Certainly some food for thought. Or just some food to yell about on the internet. Either way.