Take An Early Look At ‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ Gameplay Before E3 2017

EA’s presentation at E3 2017 doesn’t get started for a few hours and Star Wars will be taking the spotlight for the company thanks to Battlefront II. That likely won’t be all the company is revealing about Star Wars at the event, given the rumors and hints we’ve heard about another open-world game for some time now, but Battlefront II and its improvements over the initial entry in the series will be of major interest.

That’s why this reportedly leaked gameplay footage is so exciting. Not only do we get a little bit of an up-close look at the game before the presentation, showing Darth Maul and Rey in action with their lightsabers in hand, but it also helps to whet appetites for the official release later today. According to Kotaku, the leaked video is from a pre-alpha build and shows several additions not featured in the game from 2015. This includes the presence of bots running through to aid the player or at least get in the way of the opposing player’s lightsaber.

As Kotaku points out, there’s definitely going to be much more to the game than what we’re seeing in this video. The E3 presentation is sure to feature much more and hopefully carry a few surprises, making this video more of an appetizer for what’s coming.

If anything, the presence of a single player campaign will make some players happy and hopefully the bots mean that single player versions of the multiplayer aspects will be available from the start. Just something to keep players who will die instantly against seasoned online players from going insane and wasting their money.

(Via PC Gamer / Kotaku AU)