The Best Prime Day Gaming Deals [UPDATING]

Happy Amazon Prime Day! Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? We here at Uproxx are here to help. If you haven’t done so yet, be sure to take a look at our five golden rules for Prime Day, as well as a list of all of the apps you’re going to need to ensure a successful deal nabbing experience.

Ready to game your life away? Good, because this year’s deals focus primarily on games that will eat up your entire existence. Got some time? Here are the deals you should watch?

Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection, PS4

Goes Live: 3:44pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: Collecting three of the most popular games in the series, and tracking the life of Assassin extraordinaire Ezio, this is a good way to get caught up on the story of one of the most popular gaming franchises on the shelves at the moment.

Tekken 7, Xbox One

Goes Live: 5:09pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: The fighting franchise is back, and just like you remember it. And now there’s even a single-player mode that actually lets you figure out the controls! And keep an eye out for the PS4 version, available at 6:14pm

Overwatch: Origins Edition, PS4

Goes Live: 8:04pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: Proving once again Blizzard really can do anything it sets its mind to, this cheerful, colorful multiplayer shooter was one of the best games of 2016, and it’s still got a strong community.

Still on the Amazon Prime fence? Here’s a summary all of the benefits to help you sort out whether or not the subscription service, which is currently about to surpass cable television, is worth it.

Expired Deals

Prey, PS4

Goes Live: 9:35am EST
Why You Should Watch This Deal: Prey is one of the best games of 2017 so far, mixing RPG upgrades, survival horror, and a complex, fascinating mind-screw of a story with multiple endings that’ll keep you playing for hours.

Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition, Xbox One

Goes Live: 11:35am EST
Why You Should Watch This Deal: The RPG series that redefined the genre offers up a swan song that shouldn’t be missed, and the complete edition here has both of the game’s equally great DLC add-ons.

Final Fantasy XV, PS4

Goes Live: 12:35pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: Square Enix reinvents its franchise yet again with a game that makes the normally dense franchise much, much more friendly to newbies without sacrificing the backstory fans love.

Ghost Recon: Wildlands, PS4

Goes Live: 1:40pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: The tactical squad shooter goes open world in this well-received sequel. Also they got the director of Die Hard to make a cat video.

Rainbox Six: Siege, PS4

Goes Live: 1:54pm
Why You Should Watch This Deal: Ubisoft’s squad-based tactical shooter is a lot of fun with friends, and once your squad’s clicking, you can pull off some pretty amazing stunts. Or, you know, get gunned down by one guy with a pistol, but that’s the way the siege breaks sometimes.

Still on the Amazon Prime fence? Here’s a summary all of the benefits to help you sort out whether or not the subscription service, which is currently about to surpass cable television, is worth it.