Tomi Lahren Has Landed A ‘Signature’ Role At Fox News

Ever since her “unfiltered” rant against President Barack Obama went viral in 2015, Tomi Lahren has become one of the most well known conservative public figures today. Her greatest hits include a mostly one-sided feud with rapper Jay-Z, a brilliant appearance on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and occasional squabbles with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. Thanks to Fox News, however, it seems Lahren’s mostly social media-based platform for conservative punditry will get a big boost, as the cable news network just signed her on as a regular contributor.

According to a press release, “Lahren will have a signature role on an FNC digital product currently in development and will also offer political commentary to the network’s opinion programming.” Among others, vocal Donald Trump supporter Sean Hannity’s self-titled show will be Lahren’s primary home, as the new contributor will make her post-deal debut on Hannity‘s Wednesday, August 30th episode at 10pm ET/PT. Hannity himself hasn’t commented publicly on Lahren’s deal or upcoming appearance, but the new contributor was more than happy to tweet about it.

“Today is a good day,” she said in a nondescript post a few hours before the Fox News press release went public. Later, Lahren exclaimed, “Big things ahead” and advised her followers to watch her Wednesday night appearance on Hannity. She then posted a much longer statement to her Facebook page, telling her fans, “I am blessed and honored to join the Fox News team. This exciting new step will allow me to give voice to all the America-loving patriots who have had my back since day one.”

Lahren formerly served as one of the most popular personalities at Glenn Beck’s internet outlet The Blaze, but was initially suspended then fired by the organization, reportedly for revealing she was pro-choice. Lahren sued Beck and The Blaze for wrongful termination, and other liberal detractors like Noah came to her defense. Recently, she worked for a pro-Trump Super PAC called Great American Alliance, though it seems the bad blood between her and former boss remains. Beck, who busied himself Wednesday morning with tweets about “America’s first serial killer,” has yet to comment.

(Via Fox News)