The White House Says President Trump’s ‘Take A Knee’ Stance Is ‘Pretty Black And White’

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders used some interesting phrasing on Thursday when commenting on President Donald Trump’s stance on NFL anthem protests. How she presented the divisive commander-in-chief’s viewpoint didn’t really do Donald any favors when it comes to looking at his track record on race.

American Urban Radio Networks reporter April Ryan asked Sanders about Trump’s highly controversial comments about protesting NFL players. Ryan also noted the unmistakeable optics of African-American players being the majority of the demonstrating athletes.

“This isn’t an us-versus-them, this would be something that brings our country together,” said Sanders on the issue. “These are symbols of what our country stands for so that’s the opposite of what that is. This should be a very unifying moment, when the national anthem plays, all Americans should be proud to stand up, salute that flag, salute that anthem, and be part of that process.”

When pressed for a less broadly jingoistic response, Sanders attempted to wrap up the conversation this way.

“I don’t think there’s much to clarify,” she said. “It’s pretty black and white there.”

*endless collar tugs*

The original purpose of the demonstrations to address the issue of police brutality and the systemic racism that lies within the issue. Although the reasons for demonstrating have increasingly varied since Colin Kaepernick took a knee last season, there is unquestionably a racial undercurrent to the anthem demonstration discussion.

The questionable choice of words from Sanders did not go unnoticed online.

Odds are, Trump will continue to provide his own running commentary on the protests this week too.

(Via The Hill)