An Update On What May Have Caused Emma’s WWE Release

There were some surprising releases in WWE earlier this week. The first name they announced was Emma, which was a bit of a shock after she had just lost to Asuka at TLC the previous Sunday and on Raw the next night. Two other names were released as well, Darren Young and Summer Rae. In the case of Darren and Summer, both of them missed a lot of time due to injuries, so it’s understandable why they were let go. But why Emma? As usual in a case like this, more info has come out during the week.

It was reported by Sports Illustrated‘s Justin Barrasso that Emma had “considerable heat” in WWE. The reason for the heat is because Emma had some enemies on the writing staff that were not a fan of the way she expressed herself on Twitter. Barrasso notes that Emma’s departure is considered “addition by subtraction” and adds that the door is open for the 28-year-old to return.

The decision to release Emma, Young and Rae was made last Friday, according to Barrasso. The superstars learned of their fate on Sunday before they would have been flown to Raw for Monday’s show.

Regarding the heat that Emma may have caused by using Twitter, she constantly attempted to get the fans to rally behind her. She used the #GiveEmmaAChance hashtag a lot. Perhaps people in WWE were annoyed by it, but she was also a heel wrestler trying to get noticed, and sitting in the back waiting for creative to come up with something isn’t a fun way to live.

It’s sad to see Emma go because she’s a good worker who improved a lot during her time in WWE. It just felt like the creative team never could find the right story to give her to help her get to that next level.

You can follow the former Emma on Twitter using her real name @tenilledashwood to keep up with whatever is next for her in the wrestling business.