Carrie Fisher Had A Box Of ‘Booty-O’s’ Proudly Displayed In Her Kitchen

Star Wars actor, author, and all around badass Carrie Fisher passed away one year ago this month. She’ll be newsworthy forever for obvious reasons, but there’s been some not-so-obvious reasons she’s been in the news lately.

In addition to sending a cow’s tongue to an Oscar winner who sexually assaulted her friend, Fisher also had an interesting collection of memorabilia in her kitchen window that was recently up for auction.

(Hat tip to Reddit user UnkleStinky)

The box was on display with other novelties, all of which were described in the caption for the above photo …

… except for one item. The New Day’s pride and joy, a box of Booty-O’s, did not make it into the above description. Maybe it’s because whoever is behind the auction thought it was self-explanatory. Maybe it’s because they didn’t know how to describe it when in the presence of poetic decorative items such “strength”, light”, and “truth” spray bottles. Or maybe they just didn’t know what the hell Booty-O’s are, which, the more that I think about it, I’m also not sure what they are.

It appear as though the entire collection went for somewhere between $300 and $500, making it the second-most expensive box of Booty-O’s of all time.

Other WWE items we wish were up for auction from Carrie Fisher’s home that we just made up:

  • Steve Blackman light saber kendo stick
  • Money in the Jar Jar Binks Briefcase
  • A copy of Death Starrcade on VHS
  • Big Van Darth Vader helmet