Ted Cruz Tries To Lecture Mark Hamill On The ‘Dark Side’ Of Net Neutrality And Gets Owned With His Late-Night Porn Tweet

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Following the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality, the Internet piled onto Chair Ajit Pai for many reasons, including his ridiculous PSA in which he wore a Santa suit and waved a light saber. A guy who knows a few things about light sabers, Mark Hamill, took umbrage on Twitter while calling Pai “profoundly unworthy 2 wield a lightsaber.” He added that a “Jedi acts selflessly for the common man — NOT lie 2 enrich giant corporations.”

Conservative Congressman Ted Cruz (R-TX), who apparently does not realize that porn videos like the one favorited by his Twitter account in September may no longer exist without net neutrality, took it upon himself to respond to Hamill. Actually, he did more than respond. Cruz attempted to lecture Hamill (while insulting his intelligence and misspelling his name) on how important it is to “reject the dark side” while arguing that the evil Darth Vader would support continued government regulation of the Internet.

As one would expect, Cruz’s tweet didn’t go over well with Hamill. The actor sarcastically thanked the congressman for “smarm-splaining” while slamming him for the spelling error. And then he publicly wondered aloud whether Cruz was “just distracted from watching porn at the office again.”

Did Cruz respond? You’d better believe it. In a pair of late-breaking tweets, Cruz did apologize for botching Hamill’s name, and then he, uh, decided to quote Yoda before continuing to argue that net neutrality is “bad for freedom.’

What one wouldn’t give to hear a riveting conversation between Ted Cruz and Jar Jar Binks, right?