Watch This Lucha Underground Star Wrestle In A Mexican Restaurant

The beautiful thing about pro wrestling is it can happen wherever a ring is set up. In fact, just the other week, pro wrestling invaded a library in Milwaukee and it was beautiful. So if you’re a pro wrestler and you walk into a Mexican restaurant that has a decorative wrestling ring set up in its dining room, the odds of you getting into it are probably pretty good, right?

That’s what happened to “MDogg” Matt Cross (also known as Lucha Underground’s Son Of Havoc) the other night. He and fellow pro wrestler Arik Cannon were booked for two shows with Compound Pro Wrestling in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and on Friday, December 22, the promoter took them to a local lucha libre-themed Mexican restaurant called Elote Cafe, which just so happened to have a ring as part of its decor. And, well, the video will show you what happened next:

We reached out to Cross for the full story, and here’s what he had to say:

“When we walked in [to Elote], and I saw a small wrestling ring, I freaked out a little. My inner child came out and I screamed to Cannon, who was still outside taking a photo of the building’s exterior, ‘Dude! Get in here now! Wrestling ring!

“As soon as he walked in, I told Arik, ‘Don’t think, let’s do this,’ motioning toward the ring. We did our thing and almost immediately, one of the staff asked us to leave the ring.

“No regrets. I definitely couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t gotten in the ring. Party time.”

While Cross and Cannon may have been booted from the ring, Elote actually holds their own lucha libre shows from time to time, most recently throwing a Christmas-themed lucha show that went down just the night before Cross and Cannon ran afoul of the restaurant brass. So who knows, maybe Son Of Havoc will be booked in their next event.