Johnny Gargano Gave His Parents A Very Special Christmas Present

In a year full of injuries and call-ups, one of NXT’s cornerstones has been Johnny Gargano. While he hasn’t had his breakout run as a singles star as many were expecting following the Assassination Of #DIY By The Coward Tommaso Ciampa (mainly because Ciampa tore his ACL somewhere in the process of shattering NXT’s purest tag team), Gargano was still a major presence in 2017, appearing on all five TakeOver cards. Suffice it to say, Johnny Wrestling has gotten himself pretty entrenched inside the WWE machine.

If you need further proof the front office believes in the guy, look no further than what Gargano gave family members for Christmas this year — his first-ever officially licensed WWE action figure from Mattel. Check out the pure happiness Gargano’s gift brings to his parents in this video:

Gargano first posted a picture of his action figure way back in July, which was presumably a prototype:

But based on the packaging seen in the above video, it looks like Gargano’s action figure is officially ready to hit shelves shortly. Congrats on your mini-me, Johnny! Lemme know when you’re having the release party in Cleveland and I’ll be there. Maybe the Miz’s dad could lend you a Mr. Hero restaurant in which to host it.