Stormy Daniels Is Holding A Fundraiser To Cover Her Trump-Induced Legal Costs

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Earlier this week, after a whirlwind of new revelations made the connection between President Donald Trump and actress Stormy Daniels even clearer, Daniels offered to return the settlement money she received from Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen in order to nullify her “hush agreement,” which probably had a lot of people in Trump’s inner circle nervously eating ice cream. That offer apparently went nowhere, and that’s inspired Daniels to launch a fundraiser to cover her legal costs, so she can break her confidentiality agreement.

Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, kicked off her fundraiser with a simple message. “I am attempting to speak honestly and openly to the American people about my relationship with now President Donald Trump and the intimidation and tactics used against me,” she wrote. Daniels, who recently raised her directing rate, added that she started the online crowdfunding campaign to counter the vast resources of President Trump and Michael Cohen.

In addition to the fundraiser, Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti has kept up a public relations offense, raising awareness of her lawsuit against President Trump in frequent TV appearances and social media posts. Avenatti also made subtle reference to Daniels’ 60 Minutes interview by posting a photo of Daniels sitting with Anderson Cooper under on a TV set. In a recent interview, Avenatti said there had been offers of millions of dollars from “fat cat donors who don’t like the President” for Daniels to break her agreement.

In response, Michael Cohen has said he intends to pursue penalties against Daniels for her “reckless behavior.”

(Via Washington Post & Crowd Justice)