A New ‘Star Wars’ Short Answers Another Important ‘Return Of The Jedi’ Question

Star Wars fans are still trying to make sense of Luke Skywalker’s plan to rescue Han Solo in Return of the Jedi, but that’s not the only mystery in Jabba’s palace. There are a lot of those, actually — for instance, what does the “B” in Salacious B. Crumb stand for? — but one question now has a definitive answer.

The new season of the Forces of Destiny web series, which focuses on the female characters in the Star Wars universe, was released online yesterday and will air on the Disney Channel on March 25. The two- to three-minute shorts expand Finn and Rose’s trip to Canto Bright, one of Ahsoka’s missions with Anakin, and in “Bounty Hunted,” Leia Organa’s journey to rescue Han. In order to sneak into Jabba’s palace undetected, Leia visits Han’s pal Maz Kanata, who suggests the princess-turned-general dress up as bounty hunter Boushh to rescue that stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder. (In case you’re wondering, that is Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o reprising her role as Maz.)

So, that’s one Return of the Jedi mystery (how did Leia become Boushh?) solved. Maybe next we can get some clarification on what the heck Lando was thinking by pulling down his mask, and whether the Max Rebo Band or Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes won the intergalactic battle of the bands.