Cody Rhodes Promises He Will Recruit Women To The Bullet Club


It’s possible that no pro wrestler has experienced a bigger or better career renaissance over the past couple of years than Cody Rhodes. (No, not even Matt Hardy.) The “American Nightmare” is now a former Ring of Honor World Champion, and a fixture of both ROH and New Japan. And he’s All In. Obviously.

And heck, after the reunion of the Golden Lovers, he’s the actual for-real leader of the Bullet Club. (For now.)

And the Bullet Club is fine. Probably.

The Bullet club is so fine, in fact, that Cody has some big plans for who he’s going to bring to the world’s most popular wrestling stable next. Notably, he believes it’s about time that Bullet Club welcomed some women wrestlers to its ranks. Sure, Brandi Rhodes and others have served as valets, but Bullet Club hasn’t ever had an active women’s wrestler among their ranks before … Largely because New Japan doesn’t feature women’s wrestling.

But Cody has already thought of a way around that last little sticking point. During a recent Facebook Live Q and A with ROH, Cody talked about his big plans for bringing women into the fold. (Transcript via Wrestling Inc.)

“I’m sure you’ve witnessed this tumultuous political theater with the most recent Presidential election. And you’ll notice Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, they run these huge platforms where they talk about all this nonsense that they’re gonna do. Stuff literally with checks and balances that they’re not capable of doing. In this case, I’m not going to give you any nonsense.

“I’m going to tell you something right out of the gate as leader of the Bullet Club that I’m going to do. I’m going to recruit women to the Bullet Club and I have two in mind. Two in mind, which is a secret. All this nonsense, ‘Well, New Japan doesn’t have women,’ well, the world has women. Women of Honor. We have the tournament finals at Supercard of Honor, come on! The Bullet Club needs women and not just, ‘Oh, they’re kinda in, but kinda not,’ no, they need to be official members brought into the fold of the Bullet Club.”

So what do you think? Who would be at the top of YOUR list to bring into the BC?

You can watch the full Facebook question and answer session below.