Impact Wrestling Fired Alberto El Patron Over The Weekend


The bizarre adventures of Alberto El Patron (aka Alberto Del Rio) continued over the weekend in New Orleans as the former WWE superstar turned Impact Wrestling star was fired after he no-showed the Impact vs. Lucha Underground event on Friday night.

El Patron was scheduled to take part in a tag-team main event with Austin Aries, Pentagon Jr., and Fenix, but never showed up, resulting in a triple threat match instead. The crowd at the event gave Alberto the Tommaso Ciampa treatment, with a “F*ck Del Rio” chant while Austin Aries pretty much summed up the feelings of the locker room perfectly with his reaction in the ring.

There have been various reports as to why Patron skipped the event, with PWInsider reporting some sources indicating he was battling an illness, while others have claimed he flat out blew off the show (via 411Mania). There’s also no telling whether him skipping the show was the reason for his termination, but it certainly couldn’t have helped.

In any case, this is curious timing, as a month ago there were reports El Patron/Del Rio had met with Vince McMahon about a potential return to WWE once his Impact contract ran out later this month.

Now, El Patron/Del Rio is released from his Impact obligations, so it’s possible he may turn up in WWE, and he might have some extra heat coming off of this stunt if he does.