WWE Smackdown Live: Full Spoilers For Next Week’s Christmas Day Edition

WWE Smackdown Live

WWE decided to give its talent Christmas day off by doubling up on Smackdowns last night, much like they did on Monday when they taped two Raws at once. What follows are spoilers from that second Smackdown, and I urge you to remember that these are real, actual spoilers, and unlike the Raw ones, things actually happened.

WWE Smackdown Live Results:

1. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated Sanity and The Usos. The Bar were at ringside, as were the New Day in Christmas costumes.

– R-Truth and Carmella showed up dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus. Daniel Bryan interrupted, cut a promo about how Santa (and AJ Styles) aren’t real, and then beat down Truth.

2. Mustafa Ali defeated Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas with the 054, which is still not a great name for that move.

– Miz hosted a Christmas edition of Miz TV where he once again begged Shane McMahon to be his tag team partner. Shane said that in the new era of WWE they listen to fans, and despite reportedly getting a mixed reaction, agreed to be Miz’s tag team partner. Miz did “yes” chants.

3. Jeff Hardy defeated Samoa Joe. Hardy won by count-out. After the match, Hardy tried to put Joe through the announce table but got choked out.

4. United States Championship Match: Rusev defeated Shinsuke Nakamura (c). Rusev pinned Nakamura after a Matchka kick to become the new United States Champion.