Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, as the saying goes. Still, it’s safe to say there’s some people who expected to go through life never once agreeing with Tomi Lahren, the conservative firebrand who regularly does things like make sexist comments about Kamala Harris, mocking gun control protesters, and getting into social media fights with Cardi B.
So when the Fox News star said something against Alabama’s shocking and restrictive new abortion laws, some didn’t know what to think.
I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive. It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don’t encourage life via blanket government mandate!
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) May 16, 2019
I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive,” Lahren tweeted Thursday afternoon, two days after the law passed in the state’s Senate. “It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don’t encourage life via blanket government mandate!”
Lahren came at the law — which threatens lengthy jail time for doctors who perform abortions and considerably more to their female patients, and don’t exclude pregnancies that result from incest or rape — from a conservative angle, complaining about government overreach. But she also came at it from an angle that’s downright liberal: that such restrictive laws won’t extinguish abortion but force those who require them to seek dangerous solutions.
Many couldn’t believe what they were reading.
Did I just agree with Tomi Lahren for the first time…? pic.twitter.com/SKKwvRlyDh
— Bethany Jane (@b3thanyjane) May 16, 2019
I liked a Tomi tweet. Insane.
— Milquetoast (@BlueRobotDesign) May 16, 2019
if tomi lahren admits yall fucked up yall fucked up https://t.co/nlQnx7aKfK
— dawn (@mtmblid) May 16, 2019
Some even admired her “courage.”
In all seriousness, this took courage and I admire anyone who is willling to disagree with their party (on either side) and stand up for the greater good of this country.
— AlwaysAshley (@AshleyAlready) May 16, 2019
Don't always agree with tomi, but I always respect how she stands by her principles. Multiple times stated she doesn't believe government should be involved too much in citizens' lives and multiple times I've seen her stand by that even if it doesn't correlate with her party
— Andradé (@detailsmove) May 16, 2019
Some reminded us that Pat Robertson also drew a line at Alabama’s new laws.
Some pointed out this isn’t the first time the right-wing pundit came out against restrictive abortion laws.
Tomi Lahren, Mar. 17, 2017: "I am someone that loves the Constitution. I am someone that is for limited government. So I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think that the government should decide what women do with their bodies." https://t.co/nsNOn1b7w6
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) May 16, 2019
Lahren was suspended and eventually fired by TheBlaze for her pro-choice comments on The View.
— siraj hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) May 16, 2019
Some simply agreed and didn’t make a meal of it.
I agree as well. This sets a dangerous precedent. I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control, but it should be available in cases of rape or incest, or if the life of the mom is genuinely in danger. In that case, it's a medically necessary procedure.
— Deborah Wood (@debwood1999) May 16, 2019
It might bother conservatives, but it doesn't bother individualists, sure doesn't bother ME at all. I happen to agree with her completely.
— Jack Sutter (@JackSutter) May 16, 2019
I on the side of pro-life, but if you make all abortions illegal then that means only illegal abortions will be performed, not that abortions will stop. It's regrettable when it happens, but I'd rather it be done in a regulated clinic than a van down by the river by Dr Steve
— Abyssaltech (@abyssaltech) May 16, 2019
Of course, others were careful not to become Tomi fans.