WWE Friday Night Smackdown Open Discussion Thread 11/8/19

Tonight, on a definitely live edition of the With Spandex WWE Friday Night Smackdown open discussion thread:

In the wake of last week’s NXT take over, SmackDown Superstars are out to make a statement as Roman Reigns battles King Corbin, Tyson Fury makes a blue brand appearance and The New Day gets a title opportunity against The Revival. (via WWE.com)

In lieu of a five-point preview, we’ll just point out that tonight’s Smackdown from Manchester, England, has already been taped, so if you’d like to just fast forward and find out what happened, you can do that here. You can also read about the Raw they taped immediately afterward. It’s … frightening. Are these the Halloween shows?

As always, +1 your favorite comments from tonight’s open thread and give them a thumbs up and we’ll include 10 of the best in tomorrow’s Best and Worst of Friday Night Smackdown on Fox report. You know, assuming we get enough of them. Make sure to flip your comments to “newest” in the drop down menu under “discussion,” and enjoy the show! It’s a taped WWE show from England, what could possib-lie go wrong?