After previewing two exclusive clips of The Game addressing his beef with 50 Cent and his first meeting with Nipsey Hussle, the full episode of his appearance on People’s Party With Talib Kweli is here. Aside from the above topics, The Game also details his upbringing in Compton, California, his relationships with fellow Compton icons Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar, his own rise to stardom, and, touching on current hot topics, his response to his manager Wack 100’s recent controversial assertion that Nipsey Hussle wasn’t a musical legend.
Wack 100 sparked a massive debate at the beginning of the month when he replied to a TMZ inquiry by questioning how legends are defined and positing that with only one “official” album to his name, Nipsey wouldn’t necessarily qualify (it doesn’t seem like anyone pushed back by pointing out how many projects Nipsey released before Victory Lap, including the paradigm-shifting Crenshaw and Mailbox Money, both of which redefined independent success). His comments sparked the ire of Hussle’s compatriots and collaborators like Meek Mill and T.I., who defended the late rapper’s legacy and traded threats with the outspoken manager.
As Wack’s artist, it was only a matter of time until The Game was pulled in to respond and here he takes time to try and defend Wack while also giving his own view of the situation. He notes that the first time he and Nipsey ever recorded together, it was Wack who brought him to the studio, so in The Game’s opinion, Wack isn’t trying to disrespect Nipsey. However, The Game says, “I don’t agree on everything that Wack says, but that’s his opinion… I don’t like being put in the middle of that sh*t.” In his opinion, Wack “needs to word sh*t different,” and saying “Wack probably needs to think a little bit more and get his point across so that the masses can understand.”
People’s Party is a weekly interview show hosted by Talib Kweli with big-name guests exploring hip-hop, culture, and politics. Subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or YouTube.