WrestleMania Reportedly Underwent Last-Minute Changes As More WWE Superstars Get Sick

When WWE first announced they were going to pre-tape as much content as possible this week, including WrestleMania, it already felt like a race against time. With more and more people in the U.S. getting sick, and more places shutting down non-essential businesses, it wasn’t entirely clear that they could get everything done that needed doing. Now it sounds like they have, but not quite as planned.

According to Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer, Roman Reigns wasn’t the only one who wasn’t able to take part in the WrestleMania tapings, which have already been completed:

The WrestleMania card has also changed. Names are being kept confidential because so few know, but it’s been confirmed that multiple people on the card either said they were sick, which meant instantly being pulled off all shows this week, there were others who did not feel sick but had fevers above 100.4, which was the WWE’s cut-off point of not allowing people to work, and others who, on their own, said they didn’t feel comfortable flying in. Both AEW and WWE had told people that if they don’t want to come, they don’t have to come and that the decisions made now won’t be held against them when it comes to future booking.

It’s been rumored for a few days now that Rey Mysterio and Dana Brooke are both sick and under quarantine. Bobby Lashley is also quarantined, but according to Meltzer that’s because he recently traveled out of the country, and he’s not actually sick. However, the Miz apparently is sick, but showed up to the taping anyway. He was reportedly sent home, but his presence and illness apparently played a role in Roman deciding not to risk his own health.

From the Meltzer quote above, it sure sounds like more than three or four people were unavailable for Mania, but we don’t yet know who else is out. We’ll see what changes get announced on Smackdown tonight, as well as who is and isn’t there, and of course we’ll keep you posted on what information comes out along the way.