Marjorie Taylor Greene Thinks The Declaration Of Independence Gave MAGA Insurrectionists Permission To Try To ‘Overthrow Tyrants’ On Jan. 6th

In a truly stunning, very public display of self-incrimination, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s currently under suspicion for aiding the organizers of the Jan. 6th insurrection, gave an on-air interview defending the Captiol Hill attacks and invoking the Declaration of Independence as a possible defense.

Currently, two of the organizers of the MAGA mob that attacked the Congressional building, hoping to thwart the Democratic process of certifying Joe Biden as the next president, are cooperating with the investigation into the violent uprising. According to a Rolling Stone report, the planners of the insurrection recently revealed that multiple GOP members of Congress including Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, and yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene, had helped them orchestrate the attack by meeting with them before the rally and leaking sensitive information.

While the others deny any involvement, Greene is taking a different approach to defending herself in the court of public opinion. She gave an interview in which she described the insurrection as “just a riot” before referencing the Declaration of Independence, claiming the founding document justifies “overthrowing tyrants.”

Now, the backflips involved in equating a coordinated attack on a federal building aimed at disrupting a sacred democratic process with any other kind of riot while also describing Black Lives Matter protests as “the strongest terrorist threat” in our country would make even Simone Biles dizzy. But it’s the “overthrowing tyrants” bit that feels especially bizarre considering Donald Trump was technically still president at the time of the insurrection as Joe Biden had yet to be inaugurated.

Maybe she can work that bit of mental gymnastics out for us behind bars.

(Via Hill Reporter & GOP Accountability Project)