Kyrsten Sinema Wore A Denim Vest On The Senate Floor, And The Jokes Are Writing Themselves

Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema appears to be a Democrat in name only these days, and she’s taken her quirky ways to the extreme lately. After all, there’s nothing quite like giving a dramatic thumbs-down on a minimum-wage vote while wearing a cutesy backpack, and The Daily Show recently roasted her for changing views like wigs, but Sinema’s latest style statement is really something.

The incendiary lawmaker (who’s recently grown quite notorious for dragging heels on an infrastructure bill) hit the Senate floor while clad in a denim vest, and she presided that way, too. A screencap soon reverberated, courtesy of C-SPAN’s Jeremy Art on Twitter.

Here’s that denim vest in motion, too.

Let’s just say that people are having a hard time believing that a denim vest is in the Senate dress code. And regardless of whether or not denim is even mentioned at all in such a document, this isn’t even (as some on Twitter pointed out) a matter of policing women’s clothing. Rather, it’s a reality that anyone who showed up to a formal work environment (and maybe even a casual one) in a denim vest would hear about it.

Also, jokes began flying everywhere: NASCAR references, a quip about Obama’s “controversial” tan suit, and you name it.

Alright, I admit it. The bedazzled option does sound interesting.