Dan Crenshaw And ‘Idiot’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Are Now Feuding Over Who’s Hurting The Conservative ‘Brand’

Dan Crenshaw and Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s social media feud is showing no signs of slowing down even as Greene finds herself permanently banned from Twitter and allegedly suspended from Facebook. This time around, Crenshaw is firing back after Greene accused him of hurting the conservative “brand” by suggesting that FEMA should be bolstering COVID test sites and help set up new ones.

“No FEMA should not set up testing sites to check for Omicron sneezes, coughs, and runny noses,” Greene wrote on Instagram, her only social media account that hasn’t been banned. Yet. “And we don’t need FEMA in hospitals, they should hire back all the unvaccinated HCW they fired. He needs to stop calling himself conservative, he’s hurting our brand.

After catching wind of her retort, Crenshaw shot back by accusing Greene of being a Democrat after basically calling her an idiot. Via Houston Chronicle:

Crenshaw, who has been critical of Greene and her Freedom Caucus before, responded to Greene’s criticism in an Instagram story saying, “Hey, Marjorie, if suggesting we should follow Trump [SIC] policy instead of Biden mandates makes you mad, then you might be a Democrat — or just an idiot.

As the Chronicle notes, this is not Crenshaw’s first time taking Greene to task. In early December, the Texas congressman put the QAnon representative and Lauren Boebert on blast by accusing them of being “grifters” who aren’t concerned with actually passing conservative policies.

“There are two types of members of Congress: there is performance artists and there is legislators,” Crenshaw said. “Performance artists are the ones who get all of the attention, the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to say slogans real well. They know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear.”

(Via Houston Chronicle)