Disgraced Talk Show Host Charlie Rose Is Ready To Make A Comeback

Some Hollywood comebacks are joyously welcomed. John Travolta, Robert Downey Jr. and Britney Spears, who is currently on a tear and making up for years of time lost under her conservatorship, are just three examples that immediately come to mind. Then there are the people who were banished from our thoughts and screens for very good reason (read: sexual misconduct allegations), but for some reason seem to believe they owe it to their “fans” to keep working—even though no one has asked for it or missed them.

Kevin Spacey has famously attempted to regain the public’s interest with a series of bizarre YouTube videos; and rumors swirled in 2018 that Matt “I Can Lock My Door With the Push Of a Button” Lauer was eyeing his own return to the spotlight in 2018. Now we can add Charlie Rose to that list of one-time celebrities who cannot read the room.

As Page Six reports, Rose—who, in addition to being a 60 Minutes correspondent, chatted up some of the world’s most famous celebrities, authors, politicians, business scions, and other notable names as the host of his own PBS talk show for nearly 30 years—has decided to take his rebirth into his own hands by posting a 75-minute interview with Warren Buffet on CharlieRose.com.

Rose introduced the video by writing: “I’m proud to share this recent conversation with Warren Buffett. It is his first interview on camera in almost a year and the first I’ve done in more than four years. It is a step in a journey to engage the most interesting people and explore the most compelling ideas in the world.” In other words: It’s just the first in what Rose clearly hopes will be more interviews conducted apparently under his own steam.

In late 2017, eight women came forward and accused Rose of “unwanted sexual advances,” with very similar stories of being forcibly groped by the old man or subjected to him disrobing in their presence. In the months that followed, dozens more women came forward with similar accusations, bringing the grand total of victims to at least 35.

While Rose has maintained some high-powered friends in his corner, including Gayle King, who bizarrely suggested to The Hollywood Reporter that, “surely there must be room for some redemption somewhere.” If Louis C.K.’s recent Grammy win is any indication, maybe it’s with the Recording Academy.

Naturally, people did not hold back on their opinions about Rose’s self-orchestrated rebirth:

And Ellen Barkin had one even more fascinating tidbit:

(Via Page Six)