Trump Jr. Asked Trump Supporters To Sign His Dad’s Birthday Card — But Only If They Paid For The Honor

Yesterday, June 14th, was Donald Trump’s 76th birthday. He doesn’t look a day over 75; it must be all that Diet Coke (not Diet Pepsi).

How did you celebrate the Big Ripoff, I mean, the Big Day? Maybe by looking at these glum photos of his inner circle from election night 2020, or watching Ivanka’s dead-eyed testimony against her father, or taking a “big massive dump.” Those are all good ideas, especially compared to paying for the honor of signing Trump’s birthday card.

Insider reports that “Donald Trump Jr. is offering his father’s supporters a chance to sign the former president’s ‘official’ birthday card — but only if they donate money to his fundraising committee. A link in the email allows the recipient to write a message to the former president, but potential well-wishers must first pledge at least $1.”

The email reads, “My father has done so much for this great Country, and I know it would mean so much to him to see YOUR NAME on his OFFICIAL Birthday Card,” along with options to donate from $25 to $2,500 to the Save America Joint Fundraising Committee. MAGA lovers can also pony up “Other,” as long as the amount isn’t lower than $1.

“This is President Trump’s ONLY Official Birthday Card. So make sure you sign THIS ONE and not the other fake ones out there… HURRY — there’s not much time left. I can only save your spot for 20 MINUTES,” the email reads.

I guess swindling his supporters out of $250 million wasn’t enough. Happy birthday!

(Via Insider)