Trump Has Been Reportedly ‘Sh*tting All Over’ The Supreme Court Ending Roe V. Wade In Private, Despite Playing A Key Part In The Ruling

Donald Trump only served a single term in office, but he radically changed America. Arguably his most lasting effect will be that he put three far right justices on the Supreme Court. Sure enough, they spent last week dropping one jaw-dropping decision after another, including bringing Roe v. Wade to an end after nearly half a century, prompting horror and even shock by those who should have known better. While Trump has praised them in public, sources claim that in private he has buyer’s remorse.

As per Rolling Stone, a Trump insider said he’s been fuming about the end of safe and legal abortion ever since the decision was leaked in early May. Allegedly even he’s worried about the tidal wave of extremist limitations on women’s rights that’s already begun — not for moral or ethical reasons, mind you, but because he perhaps rightly fears a massive backlash against the GOP for a stance that’s incredibly unpopular.

“He keeps sh*tting all over his greatest accomplishment,” the insider told Rolling stone. “When you speak to him, it’s the response of someone fearing the backlash and fearing the politics of what happens when conservatives actually get what they want [on abortion].” They added, “I do not think he’s enjoying the moment as much as many of his supporters are, to be honest with you.”

That’s very different from Trump’s public statements. After the ruling, Trump gloated, saying it was “only made possible because I delivered everything as promised, including nominating and getting three highly respected and strong Constitutionalists confirmed to the United States Supreme Court.”

But maybe now that women’s lives are in danger and maternity deaths are bound to skyrocket, he’s secretly more in line with what Danny DeVito thinks of the Supremes.

(Via Rolling Stone)