Trump Responded To A House Committee’s Vote To Release His Tax Returns Exactly As You Might Expect: By Demanding That ‘Nancy Pelosi And Her Weirdo Husband’ Release Theirs

If you tell a cranky child it’s time to go to bed, you’ll typically be met with exhausting resistance. Which is the best way to explain Donald Trump’s reaction to the ​​House Ways and Means Committee’s decision to release six years’ worth of the former president’s tax returns. The same returns Trump himself promised to release dozens of times — before he was elected, while he was in office, and in the years since he lost his job and Diet Coke button.

As The Daily Beast reports, committee chairman and Massachusetts congressman Richard Neal aimed to make it clear that the decision to release the federal documents was not made in a “malicious” manner. “It’s about one office: the presidency,” added California congresswoman Judy Chu. “It’s about making sure there are checks and balances for the presidency.”

Trump took the news about as well as you might expect.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the former president, issued an official statement to The Daily Beast decrying the orderly action as an “unprecedented leak by lameduck Democrats” and cautioned anyone reading the statement that “If this injustice can happen to President Trump, it can happen to all Americans without cause.” (Or you could just pay your taxes.)

Now that his tax returns are out in the open, Trump—via Cheung—requested that the public be privy to the same financial information from “Nancy Pelosi and her weirdo husband Paul to see how much dirty money they have made from selling out America and jeopardizing our national security.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the 45th President of these United States.

(Via The Daily Beast)