Yahoo just released the English trailer for Carancho, Argentina’s entry into the Best Foreign Films Oscar race. “Carancho” is a character in Bolivian folklore, a hero who received the gift of fire from an owl (which he then used to make his taco shells extra caranchy) — however, the film is a noir-y thriller set in the world of insurance payouts for car accidents, which the first title card tells us is a “multi-million dollar industry.”
From there, it’s pretty much DRUGS! SLUTS! CAR ACCIDENTS! PUNCHING! SEX! MORE PUNCHING! HEAD BUTTS! STITCHES! DANCING! SEX! GUNS! FUNERALS! MONEY! EXPLOSIONS! CHOKE SEX! GUN FIGHTS! SEX! Jesus, talk about knowing how to sell the sizzle not the steak. This synopsis is the best Dr. Seuss book ever.
And if movies have taught me anything, it’s that Latin Doctoras Wearing Glasses = insatiable sex-crazed sluts.