Sean Penn makes Robert Smith seem even uglier

If you thought Robert Smith from The Cure was ugly, you’re probably puking in your mouth from the sight of Sean Penn’s impression of him in This Must Be the Place. He looks like he smells terrible. The Paolo Sorrentino film, co-starring Frances McDormand, Harry Dean Stanton, Judd Hirsch and Bono’s daughter, Eve Hewson (nice boobs!), is set to play Cannes next month. ThePlaylist just dug up a new clip of outtakes which you can watch below.

Here’s the ridiculous premise: Penn plays an aging rock star obsessed with tracking down the Nazi war criminal who tortured his father.  Uhh… okay.  So, like, The Debt, but with less pelvic exams?  I mean, I know Sean Penn’s father got tortured by the Nazis and all, but if I took one look at my 45-year-old son wearing eyeliner, lipstick, white face paint, and a Helena Bonham Carter wig, my first thought would probably be, “You know? Maybe fascism wasn’t so bad.”

Starting off like a behind-the-scenes clip with a film crew very obviously climbing onto a pickup truck to get their shoot, it soon turns into a montage featuring a music video by Penn’s character’s band—the white make up! the big hair!—that gives way to a montage of various shots from the movie. We’re not quite sure if that’s Penn actually singing or not—David Byrne and Will Oldham are collaborating on the soundtrack—but it seems like he’s lip-syncing to Byrne who’s taking on an affected ‘80s goth voice. [ThePlaylist]

It’s definitely not Penn.  The voice sounded super familiar at first, and I was pretty sure it was Ben Kweller, but now I’m second guessing myself.  It sounds a lot more like Will Oldham than David Byrne, if anything. Anyone? Eh, sorry, I’ll stick to the Sean-Penn-is-an-ugly-woman jokes.