IMPORTANT GIF: Motivational McConaughey

I had some court stuff to take care of today, which is why, as you may have noticed, Burnsy was on FilmDrinking duties. I think he did a fine job, as always (finer, even – did you see those storyboards? Magnificent).. That said, some things in this world just demand to be giffed, and Matthe McConaughey nodding at Alex Pretty Fur in the Magic Mike trailer was one of them. So, consider this my contribution to FilmDrunk for the day. I call it “Motivational McConaughey.”

Have something you need to get done but can’t seem to find the inner strength? Motivational McConaughey will be that strength. When times were tough, and there were only one set of greasy footprints in the sand, well that’s because Motivational McConaughey was carrying you, in those chiseled pythons of his. Forever and ever, alright alright alright.