Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand are Jewish, the movie

After the jump, I’ve got the trailer for Proposal director Anne Fletcher‘s The Guilt Trip, in case you didn’t already know everything you needed to know about it from the poster. There’s no joke in this that couldn’t be assumed based on the title alone. My prediction: Barbra Streisand accidentally eats one of Seth Rogen’s pot brownies, Seth Rogen accidentally eats one of Barbra Streisand’s Viagras, he hits his boner on a whoopie cushion and ruins a big meeting with the Japanese until she saves the day with an embarrassing presentation of how cute he used to look in his boy scout uniform. I give it three needles in Robert Deniro’s wiener and a Blackberry stolen by an eagle. (*dog covers eyes with paws*)

Ha, she thinks the “Topless” says “Tapas.” BELIEVABLE. Compelling and rich.