Yahoo! Fires Yet Another CEO

I’ve really got to ask, in light of all the breathless coverage by tech blogs on this: does anybody actually care about Yahoo? The last time I paid attention to it was when they announced Scott Thompson was going to be their CEO, and I thought “Wait, that guy from ‘The Kids In the Hall’?” Hence the GIF, since frankly even the Yahoo! logo is a little boring.

Turns out he would have been a better choice: Thompson got the boot on Saturday for lying on his resume. He also found out last week that he has cancer. In other words, last week was not a good one for Scott Thompson.

Thompson claimed to have a computer science degree, which he didn’t, and, as it turns out, no one at the company checked to see if he really did before hiring him. Currently, some guy you’ve probably never heard named Ross Levinsohn — who formerly headed up Yahoo’s media interests — is running the company.

Guys, we’re pretty sure “Kids In The Hall” Scott Thompson isn’t doing much, he’s mostly guest-starring on TV shows. He could do investor presentations as Buddy Cole. Really, of all your options, he’s got to be up there.