Consoles, PCs, handhelds, Facebook, smartphones — the world of gaming is becoming increasingly confusing and fragmented, but don’t worry, we’re here to simplify things for you. Each week I’ll rattle off five games I think you might want to check out this week. Keep in mind, these articles aren’t meant to be comprehensive lists of everything coming out that week so much as a nice rounded tasting menu. So, let’s get to it…
This Week’s Hack ‘N’ Slash RPG
Lords of the Fallen (PC, Xbox One & PS4, Oct. 28th)
Lords of the Fallen has kind of fallen under the radar, but it looks like a pretty solid hack ‘n’ slash, with the tone and look of Dark Souls, but a difficulty/complexity curve more along the lines of Gauntlet or Diablo. If you want to chop up some monsters and aren’t looking to punish yourself, this might be the game for you.
This Week’s Stealth Game
Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones (Wii U, Oct. 30th)
Stealth Inc., originally known as Stealth Bastard, was a stealth game (who woulda guessed?) from the Super Meat Boy school of design. In other words, lots of short, extremely difficult stages you have to retry time and time again. Stealth Bastard got some good reviews and eventually got a release on Playstation platforms (along with a less edgy name). Well, now the game has a sequel, and it’s exclusive to the Wii U for some reason. If you like stealth, make sure to support this rare Wii U third-party exclusive, Nintendo fans!
This Week’s Sports Game
NBA Live 15 (Xbox One & PS4, Oct. 28th)
Last year’s NBA Live 14 was very poorly received, but it’s likely EA has worked out most of the current-gen kinks for this year’s entry. I least I hope so.
This Week’s Wrestling Game
WWE 2K15 (Xbox 360 & PS3, Oct. 28th)
Take note that this is strictly the last-gen version of WWE 2K15 – the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game come out on November 18th. The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of WWE 2K15 lack the career mode and fancy graphics of the current-gen version, so you’re probably going to want to wait, but if a new console isn’t in your immediate future, then you can get in on the somewhat limited fun tomorrow.
Pick of the Week
Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One, Oct. 28th)
The Xbox One’s big holiday exclusive is here! Sunset Overdrive is picking up mostly positive reviews, with the consensus being that the title’s shooting and Tony Hawk-esque platforming are a lot of fun, but the game’s writing and sense of humor leave something to be desired. But hey, if you regularly read Uproxx you can’t be that picky about what you find funny.
A good week for Xbox One owners (do any of you actually exist out there?) Any games you’re itching to get your hands on that I failed to mention? Hit the comments and let the world know.