S’up, nerds, hope you like speculation. So Zack Snyder’s Superman movie, Man of Steel opens June 2013, with WB hoping that it will pave the way for their own Avengers-style superhero supergroup movie in 2015, Justice League, earning them boatloads of sweet, greasy, nerd money. A key component of that supergroup is obviously Batman. Trouble is, Chris Nolan is pretty much done directing superhero movies, so they don’t know exactly where that story line is going. But according to our friend Drew at Hitfix, in the confusingly question-mark-headlined “Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt already set to play Batman in ‘Justice League’?”, Joseph Gordon-Levitt will ‘absolutely’ be Justice League‘s Batman.
Certainly, the ending of “The Dark Knight Rises” hints at a possible future for the franchise, and there has been much speculation about whether or not they’ll work to connect the end of that film to the larger world of DC properties that Warner is so desperate to create. Over the last couple of weeks, that speculation seems to have turned into conversation, and that conversation seems to be solidifying into a plan.
According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in “Justice League” as the new Batman.
But wait, didn’t they make a big thing about JGL’s name being “Robin” at the end of Dark Knight Rises? (Spoiler alert). Robin is Batman now? How does that work? (And please, don’t explain).
Now here’s where things get interesting. The more insistent the drumbeat has become, the more poking around I’ve been doing, and it’s looking like we may see Gordon-Levitt in the suit earlier than that. They’re a long way from filming anything “Justice League” related, but they appear to be solidifying deals for Gordon-Levitt and, potentially, at least one other actor from the Nolan films to do… something. |HitFix|
DUNT DUNT DUNNNNN…. That “something,” according to Drew, could be some kind of post-credits sequence in Man of Steel introducing JGL-Batman to the Superman universe. Oh man, I think I doubled my dandruff just typing that.
Look, I liked The Avengers as much as the next guy, but every time they get someone talented involved in this Justice League project, I’m torn between being happy about the project and sad about that talented person not being able to work on something less stupid. What do the other Justice Leaguers even do? Just hang around keeping kryptonite away from Superman? DC is no Marvel, they have like one and a half good superheroes. Kick me out of the clubhouse if you must, but you know what I’d much rather see than Justice League? Another Hesher, Looper, or 50/50.
Hahaha, I kid! Let’s speculate about who’ll play Wonder Woman! Hopefully someone with big boobs!
UPDATE: Levitt’s reps are refuting the rumor, for whatever that’s worth.