Bad Cop, Worse Cop: Check Out Chris Jericho’s Comedy Central Web Series ‘Nothing To Report’

So, what’s Chris Jericho been doing in his absence from WWE? Y’know, aside from getting eaten by sharks? Well, the guy apparently filmed a web series for Comedy Central called Nothing to Report. The show stars Jericho as a slightly psychotic cop, and Nick Mundy (who you might recognize from his super awkward wrestler interviews) as his comically mismatched partner. As you might expect, hijinks (and a surprising amount of cussing and vomiting) ensue. If you ever wanted to see Jericho do an R-rated version of his heel character, well, that’s pretty much what you’re getting here.

Comedy Central has released six episodes of Nothing to Report all at once for your binge pleasure (each episode is only about five minutes long, so it’s really more of a heavy snack). Break out the earbuds if you’re watching these videos at work because, as noted, Jericho uses some salty language…

Ending strong. I’d say this is the funniest one of the bunch.

Maybe not the most original premise, and Jericho is still kind of playing to the back row with his jokes, but I thought these were solid stuff. As an aside, what are the chances Uhaa Nation gets renamed Chance Blackstreet? If Comedy Central hasn’t already copyrighted it, I’d say pretty high.