A Compendium of Cool Comics Cosplay: Super Villains and Diabolical Foes

It’s time for Gamma Squad’s Friday cosplay feature, spotlighting the best comic book related costuming from the cosplay community.  We’re again casting the spotlight onto those cosplayers who we think deserve special recognition for coming up with the best costumes, whatever the budget, and the photographers who capture them for posterity.

This week, we’re turning our attentions to the special villainous theme that we’ve been promoting over past weeks, showing the very best of those nefarious and quite possibly criminal cosplayers  who have submitted to our Flickr group, as well as submissions by our friends at The Superhero Costuming Forum.

So, feast your eyes on this crooked collection.

The Joker cosplayed by paulv70. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

Kicking things off is this fantastically dapper take on one of comics’ most memorable villains.

Mystique at Dragon*Con 2011 photographed by Greyloch. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

Does it count as cosplay, if only body paint is used? In this case we’re prepared to make an exception for this classic X-villain, if only to award her bravery for walking around a con like that.

Black Adam cosplay by THESMOKE007. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

It’s hard to look imposing when your costume includes pirate boots and pointy ears, but this menacing Black Adam manages it perfectly.

Baron Zemo (cosplayed by emMKhay of The Superhero Costuming Forum) battles Red Skull for control of the Cosmic Cube. Source: The SCF

A nice action shot of this excellent cosplay of the Thunderbolts villain and Captain America’s nemesis.

Catwoman by VictoriaCosplay. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

Catwoman might play with the angels in recent times, but we’re happily proclaiming her a Batman foe to include this very excellent cosplay.

Scorpion cosplay by BatmanBeyond2010 of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

An Amazing Spider-foe, amazingly cosplayed.

Professor Pyg by Mollins of The Superhero Costuming Forum. Source: The SCF

This creepy cosplay of the recent addition to Batman’s foes may have appeared on Gamma Squad before, but we need little encouragement to spotlight this great cosplay once more.

The Black Queen at Dragon*Con 2011 as photographed by Paul Cory. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

And from the macabre to someone slightly more glamorous, if just as deadly, in the shape of Selene, The Black Queen.

Villians United – Genocide cosplay by The Wiccy with Fran as Cheetah and Faceless as Circe. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

A trio of Wonder Woman villains admirably cosplayed by The Wiccy of The SCF and friends.

Red Skull at Dragon*Con 2011 photographed by Greyloch. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

We can assume from this cosplay that the Red Skull was triumphant in claiming the Cosmic Cube in the earlier tussle.

Bane, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn photographed by Carlos F. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

Another trio of villains, this time Bat foes. Looking good and presumably carrying swag in that carrier bag.

Doctor Doom at Dragon*Con 2011 as photographed by Paul Cory. Source: The Gamma Squad Flickr Group

Super villain week seems the perfect opportunity to revisit this incredible Doctor Doom cosplay.