Vanilla Ice is currently promoting his new show on the DIY Network, Vanilla Ice Goes Amish, in which he teams up with “Amish people” to build houses because TV has officially run out of good ideas. Look, I love The Vanilla Ice Project as much as the next guy, but whoever is scrambling to record this new version on their DVR needs to seek mental evaluations immediately. But, of course, because there’s only so much you can ask a one-hit wonder who now flips houses, someone asked Ice if he’d like to appear in Michael Bay’s reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle film franchise.
And what, pray tell, do you think he’d say to that kind of question?
… he was ecstatic about the upcoming 2014 Michael Bay “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” project. A self-proclaimed “Ninja Turtle at heart,” when we asked him if he’d like a role or cameo in the new “TMNT” he practically jumped out of his chair.
“Hell yes! ‘Secret of the Ooze’ is the highlight of my life and I’ll never top it!” (Via Moviefone)
Pump your brakes, Robert Van Winkle. I’m not going to argue that your life has had so few highlights, but the highlight of your life? That’s always going to be this one:
So what does the Ice Man think he has to offer Bay’s new TMNT film(s) anyway?
“We could do a remake of the Ninja Rap, this time with dub-step! [Laughs] Or even [a role without rapping]. Anything, somewhere in there. Michael Bay’s doing this one, it’s huge!”
(Banner via)