The Rock Officiated A Surprise Wedding For His ‘Bestie’ In The Best Prank Ever

You’ve seen The Rock do a lot in his acting and pro wrestling careers, but have you ever seen him officiate a surprise wedding?

Comedian Nick Mundy (whom you may remember from his long history of pranking WWE types) got pranked by the folks at Screen Junkies when he ended up walking into his own wedding, officiated by his “bestie” Dwayne Johnson. Apparently, The Rock is an ordained minister in the state of California. Who knew?

It’s funny, emotional and pretty much what you needed to watch this afternoon. For an idea of how real and happy this was, here’s the followup from Mundy’s Twitter:

And I mean seriously, look at this shot. How can you beat this shot?

I wonder if I could get UPROXX to prank me into a wedding officiated by The Undertaker? I’m willing to take a chokeslam through a table, I don’t even care.

And for anything else you may have missed on the web today…