Hulk Hogan Claims He’s Still Training For WrestleMania 32 And May Be In ‘The Expendables 4’

Hulk Hogan had some fun during a recent tour of Australia, saying in a variety of interviews that he was prepping for a big WrestleMania 32 match, and even claiming that he almost fought in UFC. Of course, the veracity of any and all Hulk Hogan claims are very much subject to doubt, but it’s still fun to follow whatever wackiness falls out of this guy’s mouth.

Well, good news: Hogan traveled abroad again, and he had some more interesting things to say. During a Q&A at the Body Pro Expo in Birmingham, England, Hogan indicated that he’s up for a major bad guy role in The Expendables 4

“Was talking on the phone with Sly [Stallone] about doing The Expendables 4. We’re trying to figure out a way to maybe turn me into the most evil man in the world. Y’know, Stallone gave me my first break and he’s been a great friend. We had a great conversation, talking about the possibilities. Can I still run, can I still jump? Well, not as fast or not as high, but I think Hollywood could find a good stunt man to help me out.”

And fate screws poor Damien Sandow yet again. Should have gone with the Hogan cosplay, brother!

He also reiterated what he’s said about WrestleMania 32, adding that Vince McMahon has given him a personal challenge to get in shape for the show…

“I’m training for it. I’ve got the indoor attendance record with Andre the Giant, 93,000 people and I talked to Vince McMahon and he’s going to break the record next year. So, I told Vince I’ve got a big problem with that, I need to be card wrestling somebody. He challenged me to get in shape for WrestleMania, so that’s what I’m doing now. I’m down to 295 now. That’s how much I weighed when I was in high school. Trying to get ready, brother.”

I’m hoping Vince issued his challenge while waving his copy of Muscle & Fitness in Hogan’s face. You can check out a fan recording of the Hogan Q&A below. It really is a masterclass on being an old worker. He keeps things pretty down-to-earth, even self-effacing. Then, when you’re ready to believe him, he slips in “Stallone totally wants me to be the lead villain in Expendables 4.” Well done, brother.

via Wrestling Inc.